YourCompany Phiên bản Odoo 12.0

Thông tin về YourCompany instance of Odoo, the ERP Mã nguồn mở.

Cài ứng dụng

Quản lý quan hệ Khách hàng
Track leads and close opportunities
Trang web
Enterprise website builder
Dự án
Organize and schedule your projects
Quản lý Kho
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Xuất hóa đơn
Invoices & Payments
Sản xuất
Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
Bán hàng
From quotations to invoices
Điểm bán lẻ
Tablet POS: shops and restaurants
Accounting and Finance
Financial and Analytic Accounting
Ghi chú
Organize your work with memos
Thương mại điện tử
Sell your products online
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Nhân viên
Centralize employee information
Quản lý vào ra
Track employee attendance
Tuyển dụng
Track your recruitment pipeline
Chi tiêu (HR)
Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
Bảng thông tin
Build your own dashboards
Liên hệ
Centralize your address book
Ngày nghỉ
Allocate leaves and follow leave requests
Thảo luận
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Accounting Analysis
Accounting analysis with Pivot and Graph
Fleet Operation & Planning
Fleet Operation Planning
HR Advanced & Tuned
Provide advanced and must-have features to improve HRM in real world.
HR Overtime Management
Employee Overtime Management and Payroll Integration
HR Payroll Contribution
Manage contribution by company and employee to third parties. E.g. insurance, labor union fee, etc.
HR Recruitment Requests
Allow Department Managers to request for new employee recruitment
Loan Management
Manage your company loans
Replenishment Requests
Employees create replenishment requests for products and submit to managers.
Sales Target Management
Sales targets for individual sales persons and sales teams
Training Management
Training Management module allow your company to conduct or organized trainings
Khảo sát
Create surveys and analyze answers
Schedule employees meetings
Xuất bản các bài blog, thông báo, tin tức
Tuyển dụng Trực tuyến
Manage your online hiring process
Thuyết trình
Xuất bản video, thuyết trình, tài liệu
Diễn đàn
Manage a forum with FAQ and Q&A
Đội Phương tiện
Manage your fleet and track car costs
Sự kiện
Xuất bản sự kiện, bán vé
Sửa chữa
Repair damaged products